Pictures at an Exhibition

Come join the musicians of the Traverse Symphony Orchestra and IPR Kids Commute’s Kate Botello as they tell the story of Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition. They will weave together the story, music, and images of this masterwork all while experiencing the sights and sounds of live music in the City Opera House in downtown Traverse City. The program should last about 1 hour.

Tara Schwab, flute
Bryan Conger, clarinet
Lauren Murphy, bassoon
Ken Larson, trumpet
Austin Oprean, trombone
Paul Sonner, violin
Gary Gatzke, Jr, bass
Tom Riccobono, conductor

Pictures at an Exhibition,  Modest Mussorgsky arr. Robinson
The Old Castle
The Oxcart
Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
Promenade: Con mortuis in lingue mortua
The Hut on Chicken Legs (Baba Yaga)
The Great Gate of Kiev


Pictures at an Exhibition